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[S200] 勿洞大伯公庙 福德正神 供奉型


这款6厘米高的小型福德正神供奉由Nur Wan草药材质制作,出自佛历2562年(公元2019年)。福德正神庙位于泰国著名的勿洞地区,被誉为全泰国最灵验的大伯公庙。每天香火鼎盛,信徒遍布泰国、马来西亚、新加坡等地,香火热烈,盛名远扬。





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全马来西亚包邮( Poslaju / Gdex )


Tua Pek Gong (God of Fortune and Prosperity)

This small 6 cm high Tua Pek Gong amulet is crafted from Nur Wan herbal materials and was made in Buddhist Era 2562 (2019). The Tua Pek Gong Temple in Betong, Thailand, is renowned as one of the most spiritually powerful temples in the country, known for its continuous incense offerings and having devotees from Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore. The temple enjoys widespread fame and strong faith from followers.

Tua Pek Gong, commonly referred to as the Earth God or Da Bo Gong, is worshipped by Chinese communities in Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore as a guardian deity of wealth and prosperity. He is revered as both the God of Fortune and a protector, believed to bring abundance to the land and ensure the well-being of families and businesses. For business owners, especially in these regions, Tua Pek Gong is seen as an essential deity for ensuring business success and fortune.


Strong attraction of wealth
Filling financial reserves and ensuring prosperity
Enhances success in both primary and windfall wealth opportunities
Boosts good fortune, improving the chances of successful business negotiations
Offers protection from disasters and harm, ensuring safety